I WOULD RATHER HAVE THE CASH.COM is a site and blog, sharing my experience quitting the booze.

Thursday, 26 November 2009

Comedy Night, the night one is usually a wee bit tipsy...

So, last night, was my Noostar Comedy night for work. I really do love doing these nights. I book the acts, arrange the whole night, promote it, and it all culminates in one show in Soho, once a month.

This one, was a mahhhusive one! I booked a whopping 10 acts! I do the booking the acts myself, the first time without the aid of our old researcher Jason, who had a real eye for comedy. So after a month of online badgering everyone to come, and getting it online and in the press (we were Time Out recommended dont you know??)... the night came.

It's a big deal for me, as I want to be a comedy producer, and my boss comes down to the gig every month, which great as he is a busy man. So I get to Freedom in Soho for around 5pm to sound check, set up the tables and programms etc, and by 7pm, the doors open and were getting photoshoots done with the comedians, and we're smoozing the media types who come down.

Now normally, by 7pm, I would have rewarded my hard work with a glass of wine. A red if I may... but last night, I couldn't. So Im running around, worried about breaking even on the door, worried my acts are all happy and have actually arrived (its so hard doing a comedy night without comedians) and making sure the door is ok, the event manager is ok (he was fine, HE was pissed!) bla bla bla... and doing that all, without the relaxing warmth of a red wine in ones body, was... new...

But it was another challenge, and another hurdle. And I passed like a virgins sti check.

Tonight im off to see Phill Jupitus in Hairspray, lets hope he is any good or I'll be wanting to hit the bottle like Jim Davidson when I leave! (Overdramatic? Much)

Anyway, once again, if you like the blog, give me a shout out. (Holler like a DJ you get me??!)

Mucho Love
G x


  1. Good luck with the not drinking and all but a word of advice, you need to check your spelling and grammar more thoroughly as I've noticed a few mistakes and it's a bit annoying.

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  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Here we are... a list of some pretty cool dudes who don't drink;
    Muhammad Ali
    Tony Benn
    Jimmy Nail
    Robert Mugabe
    And Keith Chegwin (although that's for good reason) and he did the naked quiz show while sober so imagine what the little tinker gets up to on the jesus juice.

    P.S I got a bit confused and posted this 3 times.

  5. Dear Anonymous, I will try harder to not irritate you.

    Lou, keith chegwin rocks. He is my inspiration

  6. Yes but Magabe was supposed to go in the baddies section - it was a trick. He is in no way cooler than Jimmy Nail you illiterate, dyslexic fck ha ha. JOKES.

    p.s. I have gone off drinking and even on my very own Birthday I only had 2 drinks - we should open a juice bar for former wreckers! Hurrah for super juice, clear headed mornings and no sexual regrets. xxxxxxxx
